Since its creation, INFINITY has wished to put people at the centre of the group’s policy.
Recruitment – No discrimination is applied nor tolerated in our recruitment process. Our employees are recruited for their skills and their ability to integrate into the company’s dynamics.Employee well-being – Within our structure, employees benefit from a private gym equipped with professional equipment and a shower. We even provide and maintain the towels!
All our break rooms are equipped with capsule coffee machines, which are available to our employees free of charge.
Promoting language skills – In a modern world, knowing how to speak several languages is a real asset. We therefore offer all group members a subscription to an online learning platform to learn or improve their foreign languages or learn a new one.

At INFINITY, people play a key role in the group’s strategy.
Passing on knowledge internally – We like to ensure the integration of young talent. Every year, we open up work-study positions in order to pass on the knowledge of our experts through continuous training. We also organise internal training courses throughout the year to develop personal and professional skills such as Excel or Office for example.
Passing on knowledge externally – Our group is very attached to passing on the knowledge we have received, but above all to remembering where we started from. Therefore, each year we devote several days to the French-speaking sales competition “Les Négociales”. We make ourselves fully available and accessible to young people in training.
Mendes, the project from the heart – Launched in 2018, and growing every year since, the Mendes project aims to provide free fleece jackets to hundreds of homeless people. Now under the umbrella of the Rotary Club, the Mendes project was born under the impetus of Igor FOSSEUX, INFINITY’s manager, who, along with two trainees from the Pierre Mendes France high school in Epinal, was able to turn a fleece material with the wrong colour into a fabulous solidarity project!
Discover the history of the project on the 4F website

At INFINITY we strive to be at the forefront of environmental responsibility, both internally and in our production.
Eco-conception – The innovations of 4F’s R&D department reflect all the group’s commitments. Each new product is eco-designed to have as little impact as possible, or even a positive impact on the environment. This is achieved through the use of high quality materials to increase the lifespan of the products, the use of bio-based and recycled materials and most importantly by making our products recyclable. Eventually, all of our products will be specifically designed to incorporate the circular economy.
Internal commitments – For all our employees, ecology is a key issue, which is why we are multiplying our actions in this direction. We have set up a selective sorting system in each office, we recycle coffee capsules, we regulate temperature and lighting, and we prefer to print in black and white and print only when necessary. Small habits, which when put together have an impact.
Supporting the ecological transition – At INFINITY we are close to our partners. We support them towards CSR certifications such as ISO 14001 and ISO 26000.
Towards the future – Thanks to the recognition of our expertise, we participate in the standards development committee. This allows us to adapt the new textile standards to the needs of the wearers of professional clothing, but also to the protection of the environment.

What we stand for ? That as many people as possible at local level can benefit from our influence.
A French based production – We have positioned all of our production in France, which is obvious to us. First of all, this allows us to drastically reduce the environmental impact of international transport. But it also allows us to favour the French entrepreneurial community by keeping all our resources at a local level.
Local partners – For the very reasons we have chosen to locate our production in France, we also choose French and neighbouring partners. The objective is once again to ensure that the local business community benefits from the resources generated by our activities.
Supporting local artists – Bitten by the art bug as well as the textile bug for a very long time, we regularly support local artists – whom we discover by chance meetings or who present themselves to us – by buying works that always find their place in our premises.